Saturday, December 23, 2023

It's Not About Marriage


Again and again it is mentioned that blessings of sodomites does not affect the Church’s teaching on marriage.  What is ignored that it changes the teaching on Sin, and not limited to sins against the sixth commandment.

The absolute foundation of God's revelation is that:

(1) Creation was good at its inception. 

(2) Creation, including man’s nature and urges were corrupted by the fall.

(3) Man (and creation) is healed by denying man’s will and taking on God’s will as your own. 

Yes, we suffer from a rebellious urge to break the Commandments.  For some it is the commandment against sexual sin, for others it is the commandment against theft. For all it is the commandment to put God first.  


Nobody breaks all the commandments. Most people have one or two favorite sins. In that sense there is some good in the thief, adulterer, murderer, etc.  That is the whole point. Redemption is the denial, specifically, of the urges against God, not in taking comfort that you haven’t broken all the commandments.  The Church is about healing your wound, not about celebrating that one leg or arm was not injured in the blast.  The Church does not require perfection. It requires sincere repentance and determination to “deny oneself and take up your cross.”  God’s grace will make up whatever our feeble wills are unable to accomplish.  


The blessing of any unrepentant sinner, however informally, removes the principal means of salvation and itself is a grave sin.


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