Friday, September 29, 2023

Morning Song

As I lay waiting for you
You who tells me that I am still here
That today will be and that I will be a part of it
With the lightening darkness growing
I return from the worlds I have travelled
For a brief few hours that seem eternal
I know no boundaries, place or name
I know not when I leave nor when I will return
Then, the moment of landing
When I perceive the return but still caught between
The space between space and time
For I am and yet I am not
Have I returned?
Will I be found?
I lay waiting for you to tell me it is so
That I am so
That my God has not forgotten me
In the abyss between light and dark
The terrible in-between
I lay waiting for the sweet sound of your voice
The voice that pierces through the haze of my existence
Ah! There you are!
There you are again...and again.
Just one sound, then another and another
Soon, the notes become a song
The morning song, heralding the dawn
Piercing through the darkness
Singing, "Resurrection! Resurrection!"
Death does not have the final say
It holds no sway
Not today
Not for me
For I have heard the song of the meadowlark
Once again
He has announced the breaking forth of the new day
A new day for me
I have heard his song and it is for me
God has not forgotten me
He has given me this new day
A day of new life
It is Easter Sunday once again
Each time I hear the song
The song of God's winged angels
Singing of hope
Singing of joy
Singing of love
Yes, these are there for me again today
I have been rescued from the pit
The abyss
The darkness of the in-between
It is morning
I am alive
God has done this again for me
I know this for I have heard the morning song again.....
This day I have been given
This day the Lord has made
This day the Lord has made for me
For me
To know
To love
To serve Him
And I will rejoice and be glad in it
I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
He sees when the sparrow falls
And He sees me
I sing because I'm happy
I am free
For I have heard the morning song again 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Think I'm going to enjoy this your T-shirts!