This blog was originally written in 2020-2021, at the onset of the Covid hysteria, but not shared. Upon review, we thought it worthwhile as a reminder of where we've been and what Heaven has to say about it all.
Coronavirus is a compound word from two Latin words. Corona means "a crown, garland" and virus, "poison;" "potent juice." This doesn't mean that it is the king of all diseases nor holds the crown for most deadly, though the impact it has had on our lives can lead some to think that way. No, the name actually describes how the virus looks when viewed through a microscope, as it is "wearing" a pointed crown. Yet, it seems this "crowned poison" is rather ruling our lives, by infecting some, restricting many and impacting all, through illness, death, loss of income, quarantine and a general sense of uncertainty and confusion.
As hopeless as it may seem, there is an antidote to this "crowned poison," another corona, a better and more worthy crown: The Corona del Rosario or more commonly known The Rosary. Through the sincere recitation of this devotional prayer, advancing armies of all kinds have been defeated and wars won.
It all began when the Mother of God, The Blessed Virgin Mary, appeared to a devout young man named Dominic in early 1200's. He had a devotion to her and would weave a crown of roses to place on a statue of Our Lady. He soon entered religious life and was unable to continue making the crowns. She later appeared to him, telling him that his many Hail Marys were her crown of roses, her Corona del Rosario. She then taught him how he was to pray her Corona del Rosario and told him, "One day through the Rosary (and the Scapular), I will save the world."
As hopeless as it may seem, there is an antidote to this "crowned poison," another corona, a better and more worthy crown: The Corona del Rosario or more commonly known The Rosary. Through the sincere recitation of this devotional prayer, advancing armies of all kinds have been defeated and wars won.
It all began when the Mother of God, The Blessed Virgin Mary, appeared to a devout young man named Dominic in early 1200's. He had a devotion to her and would weave a crown of roses to place on a statue of Our Lady. He soon entered religious life and was unable to continue making the crowns. She later appeared to him, telling him that his many Hail Marys were her crown of roses, her Corona del Rosario. She then taught him how he was to pray her Corona del Rosario and told him, "One day through the Rosary (and the Scapular), I will save the world."
Devotion grew and further developed over the years into a devotion par excellence, simple in its form so that even a child can pray it, yet deeply rooted in Scripture and the mysteries of The Life, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. By reciting and meditating on it daily, we may come to know Him and grow in faith, hope and charity (love), overcome temptation, combat sin and defeat The Enemy.
We then ask for her prayers and help, just as we ask friends and loved ones to pray for us in time of need and crisis. "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen."
At the height of His Passion, her Son Jesus Christ gave her to us to be our Mother. "Woman behold your son. Behold your Mother." (John 19:26-27) There is no prayer as powerful as that of a mother on behalf of her suffering child. Mary is both the Mother of Jesus (God) and our Mother and so we can be certain of the power and faithfulness of her intercession.
Over the centuries, Our Lady has appeared to tell us where we have been going wrong, warning us against our sins and imploring us to change and return to her Son. In each apparition, she has encouraged us to don her Corona del Rosario as a powerful weapon against evil. A great saint of the Church, Padre Pio, has called it "THE Weapon."
Here are some examples right out of the pages of history in which THE Weapon was employed and victory assured.
In 1213, the recitation of the Rosary helped to defeat the Albigensians, a heretical group gaining traction in France.
In 1571, despite being greatly outnumbered , the Ottoman Turks were defeated after Pope Saint Pius V called on the Catholic powers of Europe to unite in the battle and asked everyone in the Christian world to pray the Rosary. Muslim chroniclers of the battle reported seeing in the sky a woman dressed in armor holding a child, with a terrible gaze upon her face. This terrified the Turks who began to lose control of the fleet. The Christian fleet declared victory at The Battle of Lepanto on October 7th, which is now know as the Feast of Our Lady of Victory and Our Lady of the Rosary.
In 1628, the Huguenots was soundly defeated by France, led by King Louis XIII, an unlikely victory attributed to the recitation of The Rosary each Saturday from May 20 - November 1, 1628 by the faithful.
In 1717, the Turks were once again defeated after having waged a violent slaughter on land across Europe while The Rosary was once again employed. The battle standards captured from the Turks were sent to Rome and were placed on the altar of the Blessed Virgin in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major.
During the French Revolution, the only people to take up arms against the bloody anti-Christian, anti-authority, anti-God campaign were the Vendeans who were dedicated to The Rosary as taught to them by St. Louis de Monfort.
In 1615, only 66 years after St. Francis Xavier brought The Faith to Japan, there were 400,000 Catholics there, but thereafter, the priests and missionaries were expelled and the people thereby lost the sacraments. Two hundred years later when missionaries were allowed to return, the remnant inquired of the new missionaries about whether they had with them The Rosary. It was only when the new missionaries could produce it and pray it that the faithful would trust them. The recitation of The Rosary preserved the faith for all that time in spite of the absence of the sacraments. This is a powerful testimony to give us hope during this time when we are being denied the sacraments.
In 1926, Bartolo Longo, a former Satanist priest, died peacefully while praying The Rosary. He had been raised a Catholic, but later joined the Freemasons and was "ordained" a priest of Satan. He was converted through the prayers of a friend named Dominic who was devoted to Our Lady and The Rosary. Longo went on to establish The Rosary Confraternity and over 1 million people each year visit the shrine he established for Our Lady in 1876. His last words were, "My only desire is to see Mary, who has saved me from and will save me from the clutches of Satan."
Perhaps most well know is Our Lady's appearance in Fatima, Portugal. In May 1917, Our Lady first appeared to three children, imploring the children to "Pray the Rosary every day, in order to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war (WW1)." On July 13, 1917, she, who revealed her identity as Our Lady of the Rosary, implored the children to make known her desire that The Rosary be prayed by everyone every day for peace in the world and for the conversion of Russia. She also stated that Russia was to be consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart and that the faithful were to do penance and pray for poor sinners. If these things were not done, she warned, a greater war would follow, Russia would spread its errors, the Church would suffer greatly, nations would be annihilated, and a diabolical disorientation would come over The Church.
What is it about Russia?
Russia has been the exporter of the greatest organized evil since the 20th Century. Since the rise of the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917, Communism has spread its tentacles throughout the world and has been responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people at the hands of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and others, just for starters.
Despite the break up of the USSR, Communism is still an active force in much of the world and nowhere is this more apparent than in The People's Republic of China. From the persecution of religions to the use of prisoners for live experimentation, not to mention its policy of forced abortion, China maintains its dubious distinction of being the greatest violator of human rights. Meanwhile, she manufactures much of the world's goods so she has largely remained unchecked as she has declared her desire to "rule the world."
That brings us to now.
There are many coronavirus strains out there and it is likely that most of us have been exposed to some of them. The strain which appears to be "plaguing" the world is said to have originated in Wuhan, China and there is much evidence indicating that its origins were not organic, but that it actually originated from a biolab located there. How or why it was released and exactly who is responsible, no one can credibly say at this time, but it believed by many that Covid-19 is a weaponized form of coronavirus. Interesting to note, there are reports that the Chinese originally stole a coronavirus from Canada in 2017, 100 years after Our Lady warned us and gave us her peace plan at Fatima. The errors of Russia - Communism - continue to plague and weary the world.
Errors abound in what is known as the "free world" as well. Here in the United States, we find that this current "crisis" is not being wasted. Many are utilizing it for political gain and the advancement of ideology and technological "innovations" which will vastly impact the way we live, work, play and, most ground-shakingly, worship. Meanwhile, politicians pad coronavirus relief bills to support agendas which have nothing to do with what the nation faces in this time of crisis and play hardball with the lives of many in order to secure their positions and proliferate pet projects. The powers-that-be are enacting laws and ordinances which are literally stealing the livelihoods of its citizens while keeping loved ones from the sick and dying and the healthy from living, all based on ever-changing scientific opinions and computer models. Some might say that the coronavirus situation has been "weaponized" and that the "solution" will be deadlier than the virus itself.
Coronavirus as just a virus.
Coronavirus as a bio-weapon.
Coronavirus as being weaponized for political gain and tyrannical control.
Which is it? Take your pick.
Regardless, we can know something by its fruits and whatever it is, we can all agree that coronavirus is aptly named. It is a crown of poison ruling the life of literally billions of people on this planet and we need help.
It is time to take up THE Weapon. The Crown of Our Lady needs to be used against an enemy, however microscopic and tyrannical.
Pray The Rosary to combat this latest putrid fruit of Russia's errors and mankind's folly. Its fruits are triumph over evil and the peace of Heaven.
Don The Corona del Rosario and we shall know victory once again.
Traditional Catholic Rosary
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