Sunday, December 31, 2023
Christ in A Christmas Carol
Saturday, December 23, 2023
It's Not About Marriage
Again and again it is mentioned that blessings of sodomites does not affect the Church’s teaching on marriage. What is ignored that it changes the teaching on Sin, and not limited to sins against the sixth commandment.
The absolute foundation of God's revelation is that:
(1) Creation was good at its inception.
(2) Creation, including man’s nature and urges were corrupted by the
(3) Man (and creation) is healed by denying man’s will and taking on God’s will as your own.
Yes, we suffer from a rebellious urge to break the Commandments.
For some it is the commandment against sexual sin, for others it is the
commandment against theft. For all it is the commandment to put God first.
Nobody breaks all the commandments. Most people have one or two favorite sins. In that sense there is some good in the thief, adulterer, murderer, etc. That is the whole point. Redemption is the denial, specifically, of the urges against God, not in taking comfort that you haven’t broken all the commandments. The Church is about healing your wound, not about celebrating that one leg or arm was not injured in the blast. The Church does not require perfection. It requires sincere repentance and determination to “deny oneself and take up your cross.” God’s grace will make up whatever our feeble wills are unable to accomplish.
The blessing of any unrepentant sinner, however informally, removes the
principal means of salvation and itself is a grave sin.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
The Christmas Wood
Monday, December 11, 2023
Words from the pit
Satan is a liar, but he is no fool. His lies always have to be believable. He lies by using words in a way that they can be misunderstood. When you use vague words, words with multiple meanings, you leave your listener open to the lies of Satan.
One such confusion of meaning arises from the use of "tradition". Of course, traditions change. The tradition of Monday being wash-day was carried for centuries, until the advent of the Washing Machine, making washing far less than a day's worth of work. This vague, general term "tradition" can mean all types of traditions. So, when we hear prelates speaking about tradition "changing", "developing", and "reflecting the modern world", our minds automatically give assent. We have been snared in the confusion which Satan seeks.
But we are not carrying on the habits, customs or traditions 19th Century America or of any particular region or culture. Those can certainly change. We aren't even carrying on the traditions of Catholic people. We are called to carry on the "Apostolic Tradition". The Apostolic Tradition consists of the customs, principles and practices used by the 11 Apostles and St. Paul to live the instructions they were given by Christ. The Apostolic Tradition was closed when the last Apostle died. There can be no more development of or change to Apostolic Tradition.
Substitute "Apostolic Tradition" in any of the pronouncements we have head recently and clarity will ensue. Cardinal Wilton Gregory (may God have mercy on his soul) said recently, "Tradition dies slowly and a bloody death." Needless to say, that was not the case with Monday as Wash-day. That tradition changed fairly rapidly and involved perhaps a bit of sweat to earn enough to pay for the applicance but no blood. Did he mean to say, "Apostolic Tradition dies slowly and bloody death?" If so, he has missed the mark in two ways. There are many who have indeed shed their blood rather than surrender the Apostolic Tradition and it is Apostolic Tradition which will outlast Cardinal Gregory and withstand even the gates of Hell.
It is useful to apply that same practice to other vague words:
- "Faith.": There are many "faith traditions" but only one "Apostolic Faith" which stands above all others.
- "Church": There are many churches. There are Protestant churches. There is a Conciliar church, a church of the new Advent and even an emerging Synodal church, but there is only one "Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church" which includes none of these.
- "Magisterium": "Magister" simply means "teacher" in Latin and "Magisterium" is the collection of things taught. The magisterium of history adds something new with each passing year and archeology can even change what is taught about the past. The Apostolic Magisterium, by contrast, is the collection of things which the Apostles taught. That is what the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is responsible for preserving and passing on. Any personal teaching of this pope or that may be amusing or annoying but if not Apostolic, it is of no importance.
Each of us must listen carefully for those broad and ambiguous words. It is the exactness in which truth lies. That exactness can upend the conclusions based on broad and ambiguous words. Never trust anyone who uses broad and ambiguous words. If they lack the wit to speak clearly, you would be witless to listen to them. If they chose to be vague and ambiguous, they are playing you for a fool.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
The Practice of Advent
by Dom Gueranger, 1910
And firstly, it is our duty to join with the saints of the old Law in asking for the Messias, and thus pay the debt which the whole human race owes to the divine mercy. In order to fulfil this duty with fervour, let us go back in thought to those four thousand years, represented by the four weeks of Advent, and reflect on the darkness and crime which filled the world before our Saviour's coming. Let our hearts be filled with lively gratitude towards Him who saved His creature man from death, and who came down from heaven that He might know our miseries by Himself experiencing them, yes, all of them excepting sin. Let us cry to Him with confidence from the depths of our misery; for, notwithstanding His having saved the work of His hands, He still wishes us to beseech Him to save us. Let therefore our desires and our confidence have their free utterance in the ardent supplications of the ancient prophets, which the Church puts on our lips during these days of expectation; let us give our closest attention to the sentiments which they express.
This first duty complied with, we must next turn our minds to the coming which our Saviour wishes to accomplish in our own hearts. It is, as we have seen, a coming full of sweetness and mystery, and a consequence of the first; for the good Shepherd comes not only to visit the flock in general, but He extends His solicitude to each one of the sheep, even to the hundredth which is lost. Now, in order to appreciate the whole of this ineffable mystery, we must remember that, since we can be pleasing to our heavenly Father only inasmuch as He sees within us His Son Jesus Christ, this amiable Saviour deigns to come into each one of us, and transform us, if we will but consent, into Himself, so that henceforth we may live, not we, but He in us. This is, in reality, the one grand aim of the Christian religion, to make man divine through Jesus Christ: it is the task which God has given to His Church to do, and she says to the faithful what St. Paul said to his Galatians: 'My little children, of whom I am in labour again, until Christ be formed within you (Gal. iv. 19.)!'
But as, on His entering into this world, our divine Saviour first showed Himself under the form of a weak Babe, before attaining the fulness of the age of manhood, and this to the end that nothing might be wanting to His sacrifice, so does He intend to do in us; there is to be a progress in His growth within us. Now, it is at the feast of Christmas that He delights to be born in our souls, and that He pours out over the whole Church a grace of being born, to which, however, not all are faithful.
For this glorious solemnity, as often as it comes round, finds three classes of men. The first, and the smallest number, are those who live, in all its plenitude, the life of Jesus who is within them, and aspire incessantly after the increase of this life. The second class of souls is more numerous; they are living, it is true, because Jesus is in them; but they are sick and weakly, because they care not to grow in this divine life; their charity has become cold (Apoc. ii. 4.)! The rest of men make up the third division, and are they that have no part of this life in them, and are dead; for Christ has said : 'I am the Life (St. John xiv. 6.).'
Now, during the season of Advent, our Lord knocks at the door of all men's hearts, at one time so forcibly that they must needs notice Him; at another, so softly that it requires attention to know that Jesus is asking admission. He comes to ask them if they have room for Him, for He wishes to be born in their house. The house indeed is His, for he built it and preserves it; yet He complains that His own refused to receive Him (Ibid. i. 11. ); at least the greater number did. 'But as many as received Him, He gave them power to be made the sons of God, born not of blood, nor of the flesh, but of God (Ibid. 12, 13.).'
He will be born, then, with more beauty and lustre and might than you have hitherto seen in Him, O ye faithful ones, who hold Him within you as your only treasure, and who have long lived no other life than His, shaping your thoughts and works on the model of His. You will feel the necessity of words to suit and express your love; such words as He delights to hear you speak to Him. You will find them in the holy liturgy.
You, who have had Him within you without knowing Him, and have possessed Him without relishing the sweetness of His presence, open your hearts to welcome Him, this time, with more care and love. He repeats His visit of this year with an untiring tenderness; He has forgotten your past slights; He would 'that all things be new (Apoc. xxi. 5. ).' Make room for the divine Infant, for He desires to grow within your soul. The time of His coming is close at hand : let your heart, then, be on the watch; and lest you should slumber when He arrives, watch and pray, yea, sing. The words of the liturgy are intended also for your use : they speak of darkness, which only God can enlighten; of wounds, which only His mercy can heal; of a faintness, which can be braced only by His divine energy.
And you, Christians, for whom the good tidings are as things that are not, because you are dead in sin, lo! He who is very life is coming among you. Yes, whether this death of sin has held you as its slave for long years, or has but freshly inflicted on you the wound which made you its victim, Jesus, your Life, is coming: 'why, then, will you die? He desireth not the death of the sinner, but rather that he be converted and live (Ezechiel xviii. 31, 32. ).' The grand feast of His birth will be a day of mercy for the whole world; at least, for all who will give Him admission into their hearts: they will rise to life again in Him, their past life will be destroyed, and where sin abounded, there grace will more abound (Rom. v. 20.).
But, if the tenderness and the attractiveness of this mysterious coming make no impression on you, because your heart is too weighed down to be able to rise to confidence, and because, having so long drunk sin like water, you know not what it is to long with love for the caresses of a Father whom you have slighted--then turn your thoughts to that other coming, which is full of terror, and is to follow the silent one of grace that is now offered. Think within yourselves, how this earth of ours will tremble at the approach of the dread Judge; how the heavens will flee from before His face, and fold up as a book (Apoc. vi. 14. ); how man will wince under His angry look; how the creature will wither away with fear, as the two-edged sword, which comes from the mouth of his Creator (Ibid. i. 16. ), pierces him; and how sinners will cry out, 'Ye mountains, fall on us! ye rocks, cover us (St. Luke xxiii. 30.)!' Those unhappy souls who would not know the time of their visitation (Ibid. xix. 44. ), shall then vainly wish to hide themselves from the face of Jesus. They shut their hearts against this Man-God, who, in His excessive love for them, wept over them: therefore, on the day of judgment they will descend alive into those everlasting fires, whose flame devoureth the earth with her increase, and burneth the foundations of the mountains (Deut. xxxii. 22. ). The worm that never dieth (St. Mark ix. 43.), the useless eternal repentance, will gnaw them for ever.
Let those, then, who are not touched by the tidings of the coming of the heavenly Physician and the good Shepherd who giveth His life for His sheep, meditate during Advent on the awful yet certain truth, that so many render the redemption unavailable to themselves by refusing to co-operate in their own salvation. They may treat the Child who is to be born with disdain (Is. ix. 6.); but He is also the mighty God, and do they think they can withstand Him on that day, when He is to come, not to save, as now, but to judge? Would that they knew more of this divine Judge, before whom the very saints tremble! Let these, also, use the liturgy of this season, and they will there learn how much He is to be feared by sinners.
We would not imply by this that only sinners need to fear; no, every Christian ought to fear. Fear, when there is no nobler sentiment with it, makes man a slave; when it accompanies love, it is a feeling which fills the heart of a child who has offended his father, yet seeks for pardon; when, at length, love casteth out fear (St. John iv. 18. ), even then this holy fear will sometimes come, and, like a flash of lightning, pervade the deepest recesses of the soul. It does the soul good. She wakes up afresh to a keener sense of her own misery and of the unmerited mercy of her Redeemer. Let no one, therefore, think that he may safely pass his Advent without taking any share in the holy fear which animates the Church. She, though so beloved by God, prays to Him to give her this fear; and every day, in her Office of Sext, she thus cries out to Him: 'Pierce my flesh with Thy fear.' It is, however, to those who are beginning a good life, that this part of the Advent liturgy will be peculiarly serviceable.
It is evident, from what we have said, that Advent is a season specially devoted to the exercises of what is called the purgative life, which is implied in that expression of St. John, so continually repeated by the Church during this holy time: Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Let all, therefore, strive earnestly to make straight the path by which Jesus will enter into their souls. Let the just, agreeably to the teaching of the apostle, forget the things that are behind (Phil. iii. 13.), and labour to acquire fresh merit. Let sinners begin at once and break the chains which now enslave them. Let them give up those bad habits which they have contracted. Let them weaken the flesh, and enter upon the hard work of subjecting it to the spirit. Let them, above all things, pray with the Church. And when our Lord comes, they may hope that He will not pass them by, but that He will enter and dwell within them; for He spoke of all when He said these words: 'Behold I stand at the gate and knock: if any man shall hear My voice and open to Me the door, I will come in unto him (Apoc. iii. 20).'
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Hearing Love's Song
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Hearing is one of the great joys of this life and while there are an infinitesimal number of sounds one can hear, none has quite the impact as the sound of a loved one's voice.
The sound of your newborn baby as she is born; hearing mom's voice calling to you when you were lost; the sound of your beloved's voice as he asks you to marry him.
I'll never forget hearing the sound of my father's voice over the phone after not having heard it in 30 years. I had put his voice out of my mind in trying to get beyond the hurt of losing him. Yet, when I heard it again, it was both familiar and new, sending my heart soaring in bittersweet joy. I'll never forget it and now that he has entered into Eternity (Eternal rest, grant to Him, O Lord and may perpetual Light shine upon him), I stop and "listen" again to remember, hope and look forward...
The human voice is the resonance of the soul as it passes over and through the linguistic terrain of the throat and mouth. In this breath, the inner life of the person is expressed, revealing that which cannot be seen, nonetheless moving and shaping the world around us. Its range, depth, subtleties, and tones move the soul as the moon moves the seas. Most profoundly, it was The Word spoken by God through Whom all things came to be. The Word echoed through nothingness and brought forth life. Such sublime discourse!
In all of Creation, there is no single voice like that of Our Lady. She who was created Immaculate, never subject to sin or the snares of the devil, growing in virtue and holiness with each passing day, the Spouse of the Holy Ghost, the Mother of God, the most beautiful and highest of all in the created world and The Queen of sweet, how precious, how tender and pure must be the sound of Her! So much so, that John the Baptist leapt in his mother's womb upon hearing her greet Elizabeth! The Heart created and kept pure from any hint of sin or human imperfection, united with the Sacred Heart of Her Son and Her God, what Its song must be! So full of the Love of God and The Mother of God's love - reflecting the glory of God most perfectly. One cannot imagine such beauty, surpassing that of the angels' heavenly song, particularly in Her Fiat - "I am the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done to me according to Thy Word,"
Was there ever a more beautiful sound from all Creation than the sound of the Immaculate Heart of Mary echoing the Sacred Heart of Her Son, Jesus Christ in complete unity, purity and charity?
No lark or sparrow could sing such a sweet song as She.
No Streisand or Callas could ever hit such a high note!
No other voice could ever convey the hope of all mankind as that of Our Mother.
It is Her Voice which I long to hear, now and at the hour of my death for I know if She is with me, I will see the face of God and live.